Tugas Komunikasi Bisnis (Meeting Video)

Member : Alexander
                Rizky Alfalah
                Sandi Hidayat
               Alang Kibar

Our source Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57iYT70GW8M&t=175s

A Good Meeting
What is a good meeting? To some points, a good meeting can be Referred simply to knowing how to hold efficient and effective meetings can help the make projects successful as well as of participants' ideas are heard, decisions are made through group discussion and with reasonable speed, and activities are focused on desired results. This video, entitled 'CTV Board of Directors Meeting', makes a good meeting if it is measured by the definition mentioned before. As the opening meeting, the meeting leader see the number of members present, and then comparing the number of members registered in the membership book, after checking the presence of members of the meeting to see how the meeting had a quorum or not. Right after checking attendance, then one of the members will read the consent agenda. On the consent agenda will be read out of the meeting time will do, financials, ceo reports, committee reports or programs included discussing contract and budget revision led by Keith Gudger the Chair of the Board. After that the organizer convey the interests of meeting and guide the proceedings of meeting. Discussion of the meeting begins with an oral communication from the one that existed at that meeting. Oral communication here is done to lay out the principal problems faced and 3 minutes is given to all who follow the meeting to express their opinions. the meeting is not only attended by CTV officials but also involves the audience / volunteers, to giving an opportunity for CTV officials to reassess. all participants listen to the one who is addressing. Yet, the audience who address is rather communicative rather than formal in this meeting. Meetings run on time, and must be terminated in a timely manner as well. This show that the meeting is a conducive meeting. This shows that this is a good example of that meeting.


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