Samosir Island (Kepariwisataan Tugas 1)


            The most wanted place to visit for me is Samosir Island. Why Samosir Island? The main reason is the cost. Holiday in Samosir Island didn’t spend a lot of money. For the plane, you can take low cost carriage plane. And don’t have to worry about resort. Samosir Island serve a lot of low cost resort.
            The cost start from 500.000 IDR until 2.500.000 per night. It’s so cheap right? Here are some pictures of the resort.

With a low cost I can get a Luxury resort, really interesting right?
Next, the reason I want to visit Samosir Island is the view of the Island. During the trip until you get to the Island, I can get a beautiful view of the Island and Toba lake. It can release my stress of college.
Checkout the pictures.

Wonderful isn’t it? Surely you won’t regret if you visit this Island.
Not just enjoying the view, I can also learn about bataknese culture. I can learn the language, music, or art. The people are friendly. They always make all tourists feel comfortable. Bataknese are well known good at music. So you can spend a time to sing or play some music with them.
            Furthermore, Batak have a famous fabric. It called Ulos. Ulos is use for a costom. It use when someone have a married and for a ceremony when someone died. When night, ulos also can be use as cover.


We can learn how to make ulos from the people. They like to teach tourists to make ulos. But unfortunately to make ulos you need 2 or 3 weeks. So We need more days to spend if you want to finish your own ulos.
            But don’t be sad. Because to get ulos We didn’t have to make it alone. We can buy it from them. Ulos can be an option for a gift when you back to home.
The cost of Ulos start from 80.000 IDR until 500.000 IDR.

Beside of ulos, we can also bring Bika ambon as a gift when we return.
Bika ambon is Batak traditional cake.

It named bika ambon but it’s not from ambon. So it’s just name. Bika ambon is made of wheat flour, and milk squeezed from coconut. It taste delicious so this can be used as gift when return.
            So that’s the reason I really wanted to visit Samosir Island. Because that Island is beautiful, Have a lot of culture and the culinear. I looking up to get there again someday.


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