Penulisan Softskill 2, Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Little Venice

                I once went to Little Venice with my group to finish our task about a vacation spot. It is located in Puncak Bogor. Little Venice is designed like a Venice in Italy. When you arrived you will hear an Italy music to strengthen the Italy nuance. When you came inside it really like a Venice. There is small river or canal surrounded by a building with an Italy style. You can take a boat to ride through the river. There is a boatman so you just need to sit and enjoy the trip.

            Little Venice also have other rides like a swan boat, gondola, Missisipi Boat, Dragon Boat and Banana Boat. You can also play a water cycle and bubble ball in Little Venice. To try all of it, you have to pay the entrance ticket. It cost 25 thousands Rupiah (The costs may different today). Then you need to pay a ticket for each ride or game. And the costs are different. The costs for each ride and games is around 25-75 thousands Rupiah.
            Then, besides Little Venice There are some villa which build with and Italian style. If you spent a whole day in Little Venice and you want to rest for a night before you went home. You can rent one of the villas. I hadn’t ask the cost so I don’t know how much for a night or a day. Well, that was all that I can say about Little Venice.


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Penulisan Softskill 5, Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer