Penulisan Softskill 4, Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Problem Player

In playing game online that require a team, we need to communicate in order to win the game. Game like Dota, Counter Strike, or event an RPG game is need a communication in game. Sometimes when we play solo or not on full team we will team up with strangers that can’t understand what we need or event have the same intention that create a hole in a team.

This problem cause by an egoist player either it is stranger or us who not want to give in. for example, there are 2 players want to play a same role and make the team unbalance. The other player that can caused a problem is a blamer. This kind of player is always blaming when something wrong happen in a team. Well this can cause other player in the team will lose focus and make the way of the game worst for that team.

The third is an AFK (Away From Keyboard) player. This kind of player will left in the middle of the game and cause a lack of player in a team. This player may left the game because of the connection problem or deliberately left the game. This condition will make other player in the team to work harder to fill the hole in the team.
And last is unaware player. This kind of player will not aware with the situation in the game. They will only focus on the character rather than the team. This can cause a team problem because sometimes they not aware with the enemy that try to ambush them or not back up the other player whose being ambush by the enemy. That was kind of problem player inside the game. (My Version)


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Penulisan Softskill 5, Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer